See how you can increase your hotels service level while increasing your revenue and lowering the effort.

Rezgo - Get my products into TourDesk

1 minute read
Step by step guide on how you get your products into TourDesk when you use Rezgo

Bookeo - Get my products into TourDesk

Less than 1 minute read
Step by step guide on how you get your products into TourDesk when you use Bookeo

Mister Plan - Get my products into TourDesk

Less than 1 minute read
Step by step guide on how you get your products into TourDesk when you use Mister Plan

Mister Plan - Mostrar mis productos en TourDesk

Less than 1 minute read
Guía paso a paso de cómo mostrar tus productos en TourDesk cuando utilizas Mister Plan

How to get and use the Ferdagjof

3 minutes read
Step by step guide on how you get and use the Ferdagjof at Komdu med on TourDesk

Jak otrzymać i korzystać z Ferdagjof

2 minutes read
Instrukcje krok po kroku jak otrzymać i korzystać z Ferdagjof na Komdu med przez TourDesk

Hvernig sæki ég og nota Ferðagjöfina?

2 minutes read
Skref fyrir skref leiðbeiningar hvernig þú sækir og notar ferðagjöfina hjá Komdu Með á TourDesk

How to Send out Automated Messages to your Guests

Gauti Elfar Arnarsson
Gauti Elfar Arnarsson Sales Representative
4 minutes read
Set your experience marketing efforts on autopilot

3 Email Templates to Inspire Your Guest to Visit Iceland

Gauti Elfar Arnarsson
Gauti Elfar Arnarsson Sales Representative
2 minutes read
Help your guests plan their adventure

Google Analytics tracking in your TourDesk Sales portal

1 minute read
Track your TourDesk marketing efforts through your own Google Analytics account